This is no ordinary blog.
We are all struggling for time, so I have put together a series of quick and effective blogs designed to both educate but also, give you some really helpful tools that you can incorporate into your life, now. Each blog is designed to be a ‘5 minute miracle’, as it will take you less than 5 minutes to read, and the tweaks and tips that I outline in each blog will take you 5 minutes or less to do. What I suggest is that you read what looks interesting to you, and add to your tool kit as you go along. As time goes on you may find that your interests change, so please do keep revisiting. I would love to know your thoughts, so please do get in touch. Happy reading!
Throw away your negative thoughts (literally)
The act of writing down your negative thoughts can serve to specifically identify and order the thoughts, rather than carrying around an unspecified sense of anxiety and fear.
Look at nature
The simple act of looking up at the sky, or out of a window at the view, can help reduce stress and anxiety.
Listen to your body
We can all be guilty of ‘living in our heads’, and treating our bodies simply as the support act in our lives.
Accept what you cant control
The rise of 24/7 news at our fingertips and the omnipresence of the perceived lives of others via social media means that our homes, minds and workplaces are bombarded with things that we cannot control.