
What to expect

Every therapy session is completely tailored around you. Some sessions may have lots of talking in them, some may be almost entirely conducted within hypnosis, and some may break the mould entirely and involve physical movement, drawing or breath work. We will work together and explore what is best for you, on a session by session basis. As a general rule, most sessions incorporate both talking and hypnotherapy. We will only do what you are comfortable with.

Due to how personalised this sort of therapy is, it is not possible to say how long we may work together. What we do isn’t ‘off the peg’. However, rest assured that it is my job to work myself out of a job as soon as possible. I do not tie clients in to any number of sessions, so you are free to come and go as works best for you.

Sessions take place either in my comfortable therapy room at my home in Box, Wiltshire, accessible from Bath and Bristol, or online. Hypnotherapy works really well both in person or online, or a combination of the both, so you just chose whatever suits you best. There is ample parking nearby, and good public transport links. Please note that if our sessions are in person, my house is on a hill and has quite a few steps leading up to it, so please let me know if this is a problem for you, or if you have any other questions about the house or parking, and we can chat it through.